The Islamization of a Decadent Civilization «

The Islamization of a Decadent Civilization «

Magdi Allam is an apostate from Islam who was born in Egypt and now lives in Italy. He converted to Roman Catholicism and was baptized during the Vatican’s 2008 Easter Vigil service in St. Peter’s Basilica, which was presided over by Pope Benedict XVI. Long-time readers will remember that Mr. Allam was a featured speaker at our Brussels Conference in 2012.

In the following video Magdi Allam talks about Islam’s demographic conquest of Europe. Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:01 We risk having to submit, first of all because of the demographic collapse.
00:06 Then because we are a decadent civilization,
00:10 and eventually because our institutions are inadequate in the face of the threat.
00:16 The demographic collapse implies that our societies are older and older,
00:23 and more and more unfit to face, on the demographic level, what turns out to be
00:30 a prevalence of young Muslims among us.
00:34 Our decadent civilization makes us put everything on the same level.
00:38 We are becoming more and more de-Christianized, atheized societies,
00:43 and we consider Islam on a par with Christianity.
00:48 This obviously benefits them.
00:51 The inadequacy of our institutions means,
00:54 basically, that our law enforcement and our defense
00:58 are not suitable to face a threat which is present within our territory.

Gates of Vienna &

Magdi Allams tale i Bruxelles 2012

EU Parlamentet, Bruxelles, 2012.©

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