Vaccinationstilslutning i Danmark pr. 8.10 «

Vaccinationstilslutning i Danmark pr. 8.10 «

Da jeg så denne historie om en kvinde i Kolding, der faldt omkuld umiddelbart efter at hun var blevet vaccineret, måtte jeg slå op, hvor mange der på dette sene tidspunkt hopper limpinden.

Man kan se, at pr. 8.10 har heldigvis kun 3.5 % af hele befolkningen taget imod sprøjten. Selv blandt over 65 årige, der får den gratis, er det kun 15.5 %. Kun 1.6 % blandt gravide. Af dem der selv skal betale – det er over 4 mio mennesker – har kun 0.1 % endnu ladet sig sprøjte.Statens Seruminstitut, overvågning af Covid vaccinationer.

Ude i verden er der den sædvanlige linde strøm af dårlige nyheder og unge mennesker, der dør. Blot er der intet nyt fra politikere eller myndigheder. De skal trækkes til at gøre indrømmelser, og det bliver de ikke før ulykkerne er store nok. De skal huske sig selv på, at selv agtværdige fagfolk kalder det “overlagt mord” at udbyde dissesprøjter nu. People are getting Creutsfeldt Jakobs from Covid Jabs og Study of 1.7 Million Children: Heart Damage Only Found in Covid-Vaxxed Kids.

Australsk by: Syvdobling af begravelser efter introduktion af vaccinen

During an emergency council meeting held just days ago on Friday night in the small town of Port Hedland, Western Australia, a stunning story emerges. There’s been a 7 x fold increase in funerals, not entirely related to the covid Pandemic, and a new “cold body storage facility” due to the increase.

Onkologen Prof Angus Dalgeish taler til australierne

The address by Prof Angus Dalgeish to the Port Hedland Council on the crisis of synthetic DNA contamination in the Covid mRNA jabs and it’s serious implications. “Cancer, Immune system disruption, and more.”

The Elites Feel They Don’t Need 90% of Us on the Planet Any Longer

Former British MP Andrew Bridgen: “It’s clear that we have a depopulation agenda around the vaccines… and it will be through repeated pandemics, wars and famines, and everything that they’re arranging in the world is to ensure that we have plenty of wars.”

“And on top of that… governments are making bizarre decisions and legislation, which is making it very, very difficult for our farmers to produce food.”

“Unless the people stand up, and we need to stand up together around the world… the future for humanity is looking very dark.”

Exposing the darkness – se de andre på linket – Mike Yeadon og Naomi Wolf

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